Universal Eagles for Security Services (UESS) specializes in providing distinctive and comprehensive security and safety services to a wide range of local and international organizations operating in Yemen. It excels in providing professional safety and property security installations, maritime protection, protected vehicles, security consultancy, guard training, installation of high-tech surveillance systems and the provision of customized armed-escort services (stationary & mobile) with a commitment to reliability, quality and professionalism.
UESS is a privately owned company, registered in Yemen and certified to operate in different regions across the country with high skill and capacity. The company’s team encompasses qualified personnel with professional expertise and diverse security backgrounds, a unique feature that is well employed to devise realistic, cost-effective and risk management solutions.
By becoming the fastest growing company in the group, UESS has succeeded in a very short time in handling all security responsibilities of major establishments and organizations in Yemen and strives to maintain its reputation as the paramount security-service provider in the country.